Tag Archives: Civil Rights
Affirmative Action – Review
Affirmative action is due for review next term.
Read an article about the issue here.
This is going to be a rant (and I don’t usually rant online) about what’s really one of the most important matters about the upcoming Presidential election. It’s not the credit crunch, Obama Care, jobs or even the housing market. It’s the affect our nation’s next president may have on the Supreme Court. Don’t assume that citizens of our nation know that a Supreme Court justice is entitled to a lifetime appointment. This goes for the District and Circuit Court Judges as well, who also play a huge roll in the Judicial decision making. Trust me, I’ve run this by many people who I believe would know this fact, but they don’t.
Chances are, whoever the next President is, they will wind up making at least one appointment to the bench. The general consensus has been that Ginsburg has had health issues and would, barring anything unexpected, be the next Justice to retire from the bench. I think we can all agree, whatever your political persuasion, that the Republican candidates trotted out this primary season have been less than ideal and each one vying to be more socially conservative than the next. Meanwhile, there are many cases and issues that are swiftly meandering their way to the Supremes including abortion issues and marriage equality. The loss of one of the “liberal gang of four” to a conservative appointment would irrevocable change the face of the Supreme Court, which, despite Gingrich’s comments to the contrary, the Judicial branch of our government is as equal to and as important as, if not more so, to the Executive and Legislative branches. Many of the decisions to be made will have profound affects on all of us, which would, quite likely, remain in place through the remainder of many of our lives.
This topic needs to be an open discussion and made apparent to your family, friends and neighbors who may believe in certain conservative issues and smaller government. Especially in a time when conservatives and/or their ideologies are trying harder than ever to invade our personal decisions, lives, bodies and basic civil rights as human beings. Moreover, this is even more important as political conservatives are being backed by big money and groups like “NOM” and “Focus on Family”. Be aware, and be scared, very scared because this is a very real possibility. Thanks for reading…
Prop 8 Declared Unconstitutional
Click here for an article on the topic